Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting


Carson-Newman University (C-N) acknowledges it signed and returned to the U.S. Department of Education the Certification and Agreement on April 29, 2020, 并保证C-N将使用我们根据《全球网赌十大网站》第18004(a)(1)条获得的资金的至少50%向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

1. The total amount of funds C-N received today, July 8, 2020, from the U.S Department of Education for distribution to students is $1,147,584
2. 截至本报告日期,根据《全球网赌十大网站》第18004(a)(1)条授予学生的紧急经济援助助学金总额为 $1,147,585.40. All Funds have been distributed to students.
3. 根据1965年《全球赌博十大网站》第四章第484条,有资格参加课程的C-N学生的估计总数,因此有资格根据教育部现行指导,根据《全球网赌十大网站》第18005(a)(1)条获得紧急财政援助补助金 1534.
4. The total number of students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant under section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 is 1534.
5. 根据《全球网赌十大网站》第18004(a)(1)条,用于确定哪些学生将获得紧急经济援助赠款以及每个学生将获得多少资金的方法如下

Student Eligibility

  • 在2020年1月开始的2020年春季学期注册的本科或研究生学位学生,在3月13日或之后继续注册, 2020
  • Eligible for funding under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, having filed a Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA), and otherwise eligible for federal aid by meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards


  • Based on the identified number of eligible students with an even distribution of the funding, each eligible student has been awarded a grant amount of $748.10
  • Emergency 金融援助 Grants are to assist with student expenses such as 住房, 餐, transportation as well as other personal expenses such as medical and/or technology. 如果符合条件的学生在2020年春季没有因COVID-19而产生任何符合条件的费用,他们将有机会选择退出.

6. 的指令, 方向, or guidance provided by C-N to all eligible students concerning the Emergency 金融援助 Grants was sent via University email, published on the University website, and announced via the student portal once awarded.  链接: Email notice to eligible students

Revised August 21, 2020


全球赌博十大网站(C-N)承认并保证C-N使用根据CRRSAA法案第314(a)(1) HEERF II条收到的资金的至少50%向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金.

Amount Available and Distributed

The total amount of funds C-N received from the U.S Department of Education for distribution to students is $1,147,584.

截至本报告日期,根据CRRSAA法案第314(a)(1)条授予学生的紧急经济援助助学金总额为1美元,147.586.90. All Funds have been distributed to students.

Number Eligible and Awarded

The estimated total number of C-N students eligible to participate by filing a FAFSA, 在教育部指导下的合格项目中满足公民身份要求,根据CRRSAA法案第314(a)(1)条获得紧急财政援助补助金是2102.



Student Eligibility

  • Priority of funds to students with exceptional need as those identified with Estimated Family Contributions of 5711 or less
  • Undergraduate or graduate degree seeking students enrolled in classes during the spring 2021 term beginning in January 2021, and who continued to be enrolled on February 15, 2021
  • Eligible for funding by filing a 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA), and otherwise eligible for federal aid by meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and US Citizenship


Based on the identified number of eligible students with an even distribution of the funding, each eligible student has been awarded a grant amount of $545.95.

紧急经济援助补助金是帮助学生支付出勤费用或学费等紧急费用的任何组成部分, 食物, 住房, health care (including mental health care), 或者照顾孩子.

Guidance Issued to Students

的指令, 方向, 或C-N向所有符合条件的学生提供的有关紧急经济援助助学金的指导已发送到他们的大学电子邮件, and published on this website. 链接: Email notice to eligible students

Institutional Portion:

HEERF II Quarterly Report (Final)


全球赌博十大网站(C-N)承认并保证C-N使用根据ARP法案第314(a)(1) HEERF III条收到的资金的至少50%向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

Amount Available and Distributed
The total amount of funds C-N received from the U.S Department of Education for distribution to students is $3,033,622.


Number Eligible and Awarded

The total number of students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant under section 314(a)(1) of the ARP的行为 is 3176.


Student Eligibility

  • Priority of funds to students with exceptional need as those identified with Estimated Family Contributions of 5846 or less
  • 本科和/或研究生学位的学生在2021年5月开始的2021年夏季学期的任何学期注册上课, fall 2021 semester, or spring 2022 semester
  • Eligible for funding by filing a Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA), 从2021年夏季学期到2022年春季学期,任何时候都可以参加学位课程,并且/或有资格获得大学经济援助.
  • All students were automatically considered from census enrollment reports for respective terms for a standard base grant amount.
  • 在第二季度,除了基本金额之外,还可以申请额外的补助金,这些申请将被审查,最终的拨款预计将在第三季度完成.


  • Based on the identified number of eligible students with an even distribution of the funding, each eligible student has been awarded a grant amount of $928
  • 迄今为止,根据申请发放的基本紧急赠款以外的额外赠款金额最高可达1美元,172
  • Allocations from applications are anticipated to be completed during the third quarter.
  • 紧急经济援助补助金是帮助学生支付出勤费用或学费等紧急费用的任何组成部分, 食物, 住房, health care (as well as mental health care), 或者照顾孩子.

Guidance Issued to Students
的指令, 方向, 或C-N向所有符合条件的学生提供的有关紧急经济援助助学金的指导,已发送到他们的大学电子邮件,并在本网站公布. 链接: Email notice to eligible students

Q3 (2021)

Q4 (2021)

Q1 (2022)

Q2 (2022)

Q4 (2022)